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Hurricane Season 2023 has Arrived in Puerto Rico

Five days into June 2023, Puerto Rico has now officially entered hurricane season. Living in a region prone to hurricanes requires diligent preparation to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones, and your property. With hurricane season lasting from June 1st to November 30th, it is essential to plan ahead and take proactive measures. Here is a brief guide on how to prepare your house and yourself for the upcoming hurricane season in Puerto Rico. We will also provide a list of essential items to have on hand for dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, along with valuable tips on purchasing a property that is less likely to be damaged during a hurricane.

  1. Creating an Emergency Plan: Before hurricane season arrives, it is crucial to have an emergency plan in place. This plan should include:

  • Writing down emergency phone numbers and keeping them on the refrigerator or near every phone in your house. It is also recommended to program them into your cell phone.

  • Identifying the nearest shelter and mapping out different routes to get there from your home.

  • Pre-identifying pet-friendly shelters, pet-friendly hotels, or out-of-town friends or relatives who can accommodate your pets during an evacuation.

  • Gathering emergency supplies, including food, water, medicine, flashlights, batteries, important documents, and a fire extinguisher.

  • 2. Preparing Your House and Property: Taking preventive measures to secure your house and property can significantly reduce potential damage caused by hurricanes. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Clear your yard of any items that could become projectiles during strong winds, such as bicycles, lawn furniture, grills, propane tanks, and building materials. Store them indoors or secure them properly.

  • Cover windows and doors with storm shutters or use plywood to protect them from shattered glass.

  • Be ready to turn off your power if flooding occurs, downed power lines are present, or if you need to evacuate your home.

  • Fill clean water containers and sinks with drinking water in case your water supply is interrupted.

  • Regularly check and replace the battery in your carbon monoxide (CO) detector to prevent CO poisoning

  • 3. Characteristics to Look for When Buying Property: If you are considering purchasing property in Puerto Rico, it is wise to look for certain characteristics that can make it less susceptible to hurricane damage. Some factors to consider include:

  • Elevated location: Choose a property located on higher ground to minimize the risk of flooding.

  • Strong construction: Opt for houses built with hurricane-resistant materials, such as reinforced concrete and impact-resistant windows.

  • Roof strength: Ensure that the roof is designed to withstand strong winds by using hurricane straps or clips to secure it to the walls.

  • Proper drainage: Look for properties with well-designed drainage systems that can effectively handle heavy rainfall.

  • 4. Essential Items for the Aftermath of a Hurricane: In the aftermath of a hurricane, access to basic necessities may be limited. Therefore, it is crucial to have the following items readily available:

  • Emergency food and water supply: Stock up on non-perishable food items and water that can sustain your family for at least a week.

  • Emergency medicine supply: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit and an ample supply of necessary prescription medications.

  • Flashlights and extra batteries: Ensure you have reliable sources of light when the power goes out.

  • Safety and personal items: Include essential items like a radio, extra clothing, blankets, hygiene products, and a toolkit.

  • Important documents: Safeguard important documents, including medical records, wills, passports, and personal identification, in a waterproof container.

  • Cash: With power out, many business will not have operating ATM or credit card machines. Cash will be the only method of payment available.

Preparing for hurricane season in Puerto Rico requires a proactive approach to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your property. By creating an emergency plan, securing your house and property, and having essential supplies readily available, you can mitigate potential risks and enhance your preparedness. When considering a property purchase, look for elevated locations, strong construction, roof strength, and proper drainage to reduce the chances of hurricane damage. Stay informed, follow the advice of authorities, and prioritize the safety and well-being of your loved ones during hurricane season.